Our Responsible Investment Service
At Peregrine & Black Investment Management (PBIM) we are keenly aware that an increasing number of investors wish to see their personal values reflected in their investment plans. Some may have already embarked on transitioning parts of their portfolios, while others may wish to begin their journey. Reflecting this demand, the global investment market is offering a wide and rapidly growing suite of funds and instruments that can together address investors’ specific interests and values.
Navigating such responsible investment opportunities can be complex and time consuming for the end investor – particularly when each has their own set of priorities, values and risk appetite. Our Responsible Investment Portfolio Service enables our clients to own an investment portfolio that directly reflects their individual requirements – perhaps avoiding certain industries or businesses and focussing more on ones that demonstrate a positive correlation to responsible business practices. This tailored service allows our clients to maximise their financial and values-based, non-financial returns.
Our specialist investment director has been researching and managing responsible investment portfolios (including ethical, ESG and sustainability/impact focused investments) since the 1990s. In addition to our own in-house expertise we also draw on research from Ethical Screening, a leading independent supplier of responsible investment research and analysis.
Our bespoke discretionary service
Navigating such responsible investment opportunities can be complex and time consuming for the end investor – particularly when each has their own set of priorities, values, and risk appetite. Our Responsible Investment Portfolio Service enables our clients to own an investment portfolio that directly reflects their individual requirements – perhaps avoiding certain industries or businesses and focussing more on ones that demonstrate a positive correlation to responsible business practices. This tailored service allows our clients to maximise their financial and values-based, non-financial returns.
Our model portfolio solutions
Our model portfolios were established in 2013 and since that time have established industry leading performance, outperforming traditional benchmarks by a substantial margin.
We offer a range of five risk adjusted models to suit most investors requirements for a simple, good value investment portfolio with a dedicated emphasis on responsible investment. Are responsible overlay works by excluding a wide range of undesirable business areas and practices, whilst emphasising areas of the economy that actively contribute toward meeting the United Nations Principals for Responsible Investment goals. For details on our investment policies please see the model fact sheets.
For advisers that wish, we can also create bespoke models incorporating a blend of traditional investment and responsible investment. Typically, these will still have an emphasis on ESG integration, but are less focussed on sustainability issues. These portfolios can be effective where advisers are looking for a solution that will meet most clients needs whilst still reflecting the issues that face the world today.
Call Chris Redman today on 0203 750 1820 to find out more.